Can you master it? Discover with Aqrate >

Il tuo titolo va qui

Quality and high savings
Aqrate has allowed us to standardize and improve the quality of our translations, create unique glossaries and our translation memories with increasing savings during these years
Mirco Cornazzani
Marketing & Communication Manager

Il tuo titolo va qui

Word optimization
Thanks to the optimized processes of TANNER and Aqrate, savings are able to be achieved at various levels. The vast majority of the savings were achieved by optimizing the word count and translation memories At the same time, further cost reductions were also achieved through additional optimizations in the area of small orders and proofreading.
Micheal Wurster
Labeling & Data Management Manager

Il tuo titolo va qui

An example of Open Innovation
The Aqrate solution has integrated well into our processes to cope with translation requirements in very diverse contexts Through constructive collaboration with the supply chain already involved in these services, it was possible to see results in terms of both quality and economic efficiency right from the start. A specific example of value-added Open Innovation and collaboration between industry and SMEs, which can be reflected on as a model for other experiences.
Michelangelo Fani
Procurement Supply Chain & Digital Services

Il tuo titolo va qui

Aqrate offers a translation management process that includes everything I was looking for but never found: managing translations without having to invest in and maintain expensive systems; a real opportunity to compare bids on their merits; remaining independent of providers; control quality.
Tomislav Matievic
Technische Dokumentation Unit Manager

Il tuo titolo va qui

Now I have the transparency previously missing
Natalia Migliaccio
Documentation Manager

Il tuo titolo va qui

Aqrate enables our documentation office to speed up the processing of translations and obtain transparent quotes, full control of our translation memories and significant savings in translation costs.
Carlo Gardini
Technical Documentation Dept. Manager

Il tuo titolo va qui

Quality and high savings
Aqrate has allowed us to standardize and improve the quality of our translations, create unique glossaries and our translation memories with increasing savings during these years
Mirco Cornazzani
Marketing & Communication Manager

Il tuo titolo va qui

Word optimization
Thanks to the optimized processes of TANNER and Aqrate, savings are able to be achieved at various levels. The vast majority of the savings were achieved by optimizing the word count and translation memories At the same time, further cost reductions were also achieved through additional optimizations in the area of small orders and proofreading.
Micheal Wurster
Labeling & Data Management Manager

Il tuo titolo va qui

An example of Open Innovation
The Aqrate solution has integrated well into our processes to cope with translation requirements in very diverse contexts Through constructive collaboration with the supply chain already involved in these services, it was possible to see results in terms of both quality and economic efficiency right from the start. A specific example of value-added Open Innovation and collaboration between industry and SMEs, which can be reflected on as a model for other experiences.
Michelangelo Fani
Procurement Supply Chain & Digital Services

Il tuo titolo va qui

Aqrate offers a translation management process that includes everything I was looking for but never found: managing translations without having to invest in and maintain expensive systems; a real opportunity to compare bids on their merits; remaining independent of providers; control quality.
Tomislav Matievic
Technische Dokumentation Unit Manager

Il tuo titolo va qui

Now I have the transparency previously missing
Natalia Migliaccio
Documentation Manager

Il tuo titolo va qui

Aqrate enables our documentation office to speed up the processing of translations and obtain transparent quotes, full control of our translation memories and significant savings in translation costs.
Carlo Gardini
Technical Documentation Dept. Manager

Il tuo titolo va qui

Savings achieved
at various levels
Thanks to the optimized processes of TANNER and Aqrate, savings are able to be achieved at various levels. The vast majority of the savings were achieved by optimizing the word count and translation memories At the same time, further cost reductions were also achieved through additional optimizations in the area of small orders and proofreading.
Micheal Wurster
Labeling & Data Management Manager

Il tuo titolo va qui

Open Innovation
The Aqrate solution has integrated well into our processes to cope with translation requirements in very diverse contexts Through constructive collaboration with the supply chain already involved in these services, it was possible to see results in terms of both quality and economic efficiency right from the start. A specific example of value-added Open Innovation and collaboration between industry and SMEs, which can be reflected on as a model for other experiences.
Michelangelo Fani
Procurement Supply Chain & Digital Services

Il tuo titolo va qui

Increasing savings
and quality
Aqrate has allowed us to standardize and improve the quality of our translations, create unique glossaries and our translation memories with increasing savings during these years
Mirco Cornazzani
Marketing & Communication Manager

Il tuo titolo va qui

and transparency
Now I have the transparency that was previously missing and I can control the whole process. This has also ensured huge savings in our 8 years of collaboration with Aqrate.
Natalia Migliaccio
Documentation Manager

Il tuo titolo va qui

Autonomy and
quality control
Aqrate offers a translation management process that includes everything I was looking for but never found: managing translations without having to invest in and maintain expensive systems; a real opportunity to compare bids on their merits; remaining independent of providers; control quality.
Tomislav Matievic
Technische Dokumentation Unit Manager

Il tuo titolo va qui

Speeding up the
translation process
Aqrate enables our documentation office to speed up the processing of translations and obtain transparent quotes, full control of our translation memories and significant savings in translation costs.
Carlo Gardini
Technical Documentation Dept. Manager

Il tuo titolo va qui

Savings from the
very first project
The introduction of Aqrate allowed us to save on translation costs from the very first projects, even in cases where we did not have a translation legacy.
Marcello Zelano
Technical communicator

Il tuo titolo va qui

Quality and speed
of processing
We are a company that operates in the field of Industrial Property, where translations are highly critical, and with Aqrate we have achieved fast and high-quality processing that makes the difference for us.
Ezio Bianciardi
Partner Engineer Italian and European Patent, Design Trademark Attorney

Il tuo titolo va qui

Quality and high savings
Aqrate has allowed us to standardize and improve the quality of our translations, create unique glossaries and our translation memories with increasing savings during these years
Mirco Cornazzani
Marketing & Communication Manager

Il tuo titolo va qui

Word optimization
Thanks to the optimized processes of TANNER and Aqrate, savings are able to be achieved at various levels. The vast majority of the savings were achieved by optimizing the word count and translation memories At the same time, further cost reductions were also achieved through additional optimizations in the area of small orders and proofreading.
Micheal Wurster
Labeling & Data Management Manager

Il tuo titolo va qui

An example of Open Innovation
The Aqrate solution has integrated well into our processes to cope with translation requirements in very diverse contexts Through constructive collaboration with the supply chain already involved in these services, it was possible to see results in terms of both quality and economic efficiency right from the start. A specific example of value-added Open Innovation and collaboration between industry and SMEs, which can be reflected on as a model for other experiences.
Michelangelo Fani
Procurement Supply Chain & Digital Services

Il tuo titolo va qui

Aqrate offers a translation management process that includes everything I was looking for but never found: managing translations without having to invest in and maintain expensive systems; a real opportunity to compare bids on their merits; remaining independent of providers; control quality.
Tomislav Matievic
Technische Dokumentation Unit Manager

Il tuo titolo va qui

Now I have the transparency previously missing
Natalia Migliaccio
Documentation Manager

Il tuo titolo va qui

Aqrate enables our documentation office to speed up the processing of translations and obtain transparent quotes, full control of our translation memories and significant savings in translation costs.
Carlo Gardini
Technical Documentation Dept. Manager

Il tuo titolo va qui

Quality and high savings
Aqrate has allowed us to standardize and improve the quality of our translations, create unique glossaries and our translation memories with increasing savings during these years
Mirco Cornazzani
Marketing & Communication Manager

Il tuo titolo va qui

Word optimization
Thanks to the optimized processes of TANNER and Aqrate, savings are able to be achieved at various levels. The vast majority of the savings were achieved by optimizing the word count and translation memories At the same time, further cost reductions were also achieved through additional optimizations in the area of small orders and proofreading.
Micheal Wurster
Labeling & Data Management Manager

Il tuo titolo va qui

An example of Open Innovation
The Aqrate solution has integrated well into our processes to cope with translation requirements in very diverse contexts Through constructive collaboration with the supply chain already involved in these services, it was possible to see results in terms of both quality and economic efficiency right from the start. A specific example of value-added Open Innovation and collaboration between industry and SMEs, which can be reflected on as a model for other experiences.
Michelangelo Fani
Procurement Supply Chain & Digital Services

Il tuo titolo va qui

Aqrate offers a translation management process that includes everything I was looking for but never found: managing translations without having to invest in and maintain expensive systems; a real opportunity to compare bids on their merits; remaining independent of providers; control quality.
Tomislav Matievic
Technische Dokumentation Unit Manager

Il tuo titolo va qui

Now I have the transparency previously missing
Natalia Migliaccio
Documentation Manager

Il tuo titolo va qui

Aqrate enables our documentation office to speed up the processing of translations and obtain transparent quotes, full control of our translation memories and significant savings in translation costs.
Carlo Gardini
Technical Documentation Dept. Manager

Il tuo titolo va qui

Quality and high savings
Aqrate has allowed us to standardize and improve the quality of our translations, create unique glossaries and our translation memories with increasing savings during these years
Mirco Cornazzani
Marketing & Communication Manager

Il tuo titolo va qui

Word optimization
Thanks to the optimized processes of TANNER and Aqrate, savings are able to be achieved at various levels. The vast majority of the savings were achieved by optimizing the word count and translation memories At the same time, further cost reductions were also achieved through additional optimizations in the area of small orders and proofreading.
Micheal Wurster
Labeling & Data Management Manager

Il tuo titolo va qui

An example of Open Innovation
The Aqrate solution has integrated well into our processes to cope with translation requirements in very diverse contexts Through constructive collaboration with the supply chain already involved in these services, it was possible to see results in terms of both quality and economic efficiency right from the start. A specific example of value-added Open Innovation and collaboration between industry and SMEs, which can be reflected on as a model for other experiences.
Michelangelo Fani
Procurement Supply Chain & Digital Services

Il tuo titolo va qui

Aqrate offers a translation management process that includes everything I was looking for but never found: managing translations without having to invest in and maintain expensive systems; a real opportunity to compare bids on their merits; remaining independent of providers; control quality.
Tomislav Matievic
Technische Dokumentation Unit Manager

Il tuo titolo va qui

Now I have the transparency previously missing
Natalia Migliaccio
Documentation Manager

Il tuo titolo va qui

Aqrate enables our documentation office to speed up the processing of translations and obtain transparent quotes, full control of our translation memories and significant savings in translation costs.
Carlo Gardini
Technical Documentation Dept. Manager

Il tuo titolo va qui

Quality and high savings
Aqrate has allowed us to standardize and improve the quality of our translations, create unique glossaries and our translation memories with increasing savings during these years
Mirco Cornazzani
Marketing & Communication Manager

Il tuo titolo va qui

Word optimization
Thanks to the optimized processes of TANNER and Aqrate, savings are able to be achieved at various levels. The vast majority of the savings were achieved by optimizing the word count and translation memories At the same time, further cost reductions were also achieved through additional optimizations in the area of small orders and proofreading.
Micheal Wurster
Labeling & Data Management Manager

Il tuo titolo va qui

An example of Open Innovation
The Aqrate solution has integrated well into our processes to cope with translation requirements in very diverse contexts Through constructive collaboration with the supply chain already involved in these services, it was possible to see results in terms of both quality and economic efficiency right from the start. A specific example of value-added Open Innovation and collaboration between industry and SMEs, which can be reflected on as a model for other experiences.
Michelangelo Fani
Procurement Supply Chain & Digital Services

Il tuo titolo va qui

Aqrate offers a translation management process that includes everything I was looking for but never found: managing translations without having to invest in and maintain expensive systems; a real opportunity to compare bids on their merits; remaining independent of providers; control quality.
Tomislav Matievic
Technische Dokumentation Unit Manager

Il tuo titolo va qui

Now I have the transparency previously missing
Natalia Migliaccio
Documentation Manager

Il tuo titolo va qui

Aqrate enables our documentation office to speed up the processing of translations and obtain transparent quotes, full control of our translation memories and significant savings in translation costs.
Carlo Gardini
Technical Documentation Dept. Manager


Don’t miss your chance: choose Aqrate!

Success fee and sharing of savings

Save on translation costs with a authentic win-win solution.
If you save money, we will share the saving. If you don’t, you won’t pay anything.
Have you ever heard of anything better on the market?

Documentation quality

Improve the quality of your multilingual documentation with the new QAi tool.
Discover the power of artificial intelligence at the service of human intelligence to enhance the quality of business documentation.
Or would you prefer to keep taking risks?

Translation legacy control

Centralize your corporate translation legacy and have the control.
An asset that is accessible 24 hours a day and a guarantee of linguistic consistency.
Or do you want to continue to leave it in the hands of translation agencies?

Time to market acceleration

Manage the process of translating product documentation quickly.
A web platform that can minimize translation time when
your products are just waiting to be launched on the market.
Or do you prefer to leave things as they are?


Because Aqrate is different

We do not perform translations, so you can keep working with your trusted translators.
Aqrate does NOT perform translations, but it can ensure that only what requires translation is translated/ counted.
We do not perform translations, we let you discover value you didn’t know you had.
We do not perform translations, we ensure the highest quality control on the market.
We do not perform translations, but we share the same goal: saving money.
Because we only make money if you save money.


99% of companies have these problems

Translating the documentation that accompanies company products and services is often the final step in the process leading to market launch. It often has to be done in many languages and in a short space of time because time to market is crucial.
If you don’t have control over what has been translated in the past and you don’t have the time and means to check the quality of new translations, how can you guarantee a good final product in the time frame needed?
Aqrate is the only solution that solves all these problems.


Your company’s translation legacy (translation memories) is a company-owned asset that is often fragmented and inefficiently managed by external vendors.


The quotes you receive are based on the number of words to be translated, and this number often differs across the various quotes, even if the content is the same. How do we know how many words actually need to be translated?


It is common to find translation errors (or rather horrors) in product documentation. Who checks these errors in the languages you don’t know?


What Aqrate does

Aqrate has developed a unique text analysis technology that is integrated with Artificial Intelligence and supported by a team of Language Analysts who are always by your side.
The only solution that guarantees you:
control of the translation process and access to your translation legacy through a web-based management platform
– improved quality of multilingual documentation through the QAi tool
– huge savings in translation costs as a result of optimizing the sentences to be translated
All this is possible without changing your organizational process and continuing to outsource translations to your trusted translators.


Press release

in a nutshell


about Us

A unique service that
combines the technological power of an AI-enhanced web platform and
the management skills of a team of Language Analysts, to increase control, savings and quality in the process of translating business documentation.


Ask for a callback from one of our consultants and find out
how much you can save in translation costs.
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